After listening to this song "Does The DJ Know?" http://vista.streamguys.com/jspiewak/alison_dj.wma
I was taken back by the incredible production and vocal qualities. This is a good start for a star in the making from Memphis, the home of the King of Rock n' Roll and many other famous musicians such as Isaac Hayes.
Her site is under construction, but there are other samples of here work and more pictures here: http://www.alisonray.com
Time will tell how the music industry an public takes her in, but we feel she is going to do some great things in the near future.
Here is the bio that was sent to me by Alison's management.
The Rock-Pop singer/songwriter Alison Ray turns triumphant, furious, heartbroken and hopeful on her Chime Entertainment debut record, Downside Up. The powerful collection of self penned songs demonstrates a wide range of emotions and shows off a very distinctive, strong and revealing radio voice. The disc’s title reflects her determnination to find the good in even the worst of life’s situations. Working with Writer/Producer and Chime President Marc Tanner, Ray delved deep into her experiences to craft this collection of songs. There is fantasy and passion in the driving lead single, Does the D.J. Know, an edgy story of hope in the anthemic, There’s Always Tomorrow, bittersweet optimism in Wonderful Day and the classic grandeur of Love is the Thing. “When I go into the studio, I create a world where I can explore and try many different approaches to each vocal and capture the mood of each song. It’s almost like acting and becoming a character. “ Ms. Ray admidts, “I’m a perfectionist, so sometimes it takes awhile to get it right. But I’m really satisfiedall the performances on this record.” “All the players on my record rocked, but I’m loving my touring band also! And I look forward to being on stage as much as possible in support of my record. That is what I love the most right now, performing for people and having them be affected positively by my music.” Born in Memphis, Alison was raised by her Mom and had a very rough childhood. By her teens, an abusive Father was out of the picture and her family moved around quite a bit. “I’ve always been something of a Gypsy and very rebellious, but I was there for my Mom and my 2 Sisters”, Alison says. “Musical talent abounded in my family. Everybody sings and my Sisters are great dancers. But with our rough financial circumstances, music and writing was the escape for me . All I could do was to dream of a better life to come. “I’ve always felt like people have misunderstood me somehow and only seen the outside. Everyone always thought I was this happy and carefree person. No one saw the pain and shame I carried because I hid it well. I’m still very vulvernable but I’m also strong and I am a survivor. Through my music I got a chance to address a lot of what I had buried for a long time. I’m still on the roller coaster but I feel like I’m getting closer to dealing with things that have haunted me in the past. “ Alison has an appreciation of all types of music and admires many artists including Alanis, Madonna, U2, Gwen Stafani and Rob Thomas. Recently Alison’s song, “The Dance of Life” is the featured song of Imagining Ourselves Project sponsored by the International Museum of Women. The Web site, Book, T.V. campaign deals with young Women who have overcome obstacles and are achieving amazing things. “It’s an honor for me to be a part of it”, Alison says. Alison Ray always gives her best and comes straight from her heart and soul. “ I have the opportunity to make music and reach people and that is a sacred thing to me. Something that I never take for granted. “
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